Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Abolition Essay - 870 Words
Abolition A Stronger Resistance The abolitionist movement in the United States sought to eradicate slavery using a wide range of tactics and organizations. The antislavery movement mobilized many African Americans and some whites who sought to end the institution of slavery. Although both black and white abolitionists often worked together, the relationship between them was intricate. The struggle for black abolitionists was much more personal because they wanted to end slavery and also wanted to gain equal rights for blacks. However, many white abolitionists only sought to end slavery and did not fight for equality for blacks. From these exceedingly contrasting perspectives and the continuation of slavery, the sentiment of many†¦show more content†¦More militant tactics, such as uprising and revolts, were gaining support in the nineteenth century. Nat Turner was a black abolitionist that supported the use of aggressive and forceful tactics. In 1831, in Virginia, he led an insurrectio n and more than 55 white people were killed. It was very bloody and violent and angered many whites from its brutality (Nash, 275). Yet, many blacks felt that the only thing that would get a response was an uprising and taking drastic measures. In Christiana, Pennsylvania, the Fugitive Slave Laws were passed. These laws stated that whites could recapture their runaway slaves. Blacks were outraged by the passing of these laws and rioted in response to this (Roots of Resistance). This demonstrated how blacks would react in manners that were more forceful and these tactics were used by a number of other abolitionists, however, many still used different approaches to battling slavery. Many abolitionists used writing to end slavery. In 1827, the first black newspaper, Freedom’s Journal, was created by Samuel Cornish and John Russwurm (Notes, 11/29/00). This paper spread ideas of freedom and equality and gave hope to the black readers. David Walker, the son of a free black mother a nd a slave father, pushed the abolitionist movement into militancy in 1829 when he published David Walker’s Appeal. His work inspired blacks to organize and urged slaves to rise up against their masters and take their freedom by force (Notes, 11/27/00).Show MoreRelatedThe Abolition Movement1079 Words  | 4 Pages Abolition Movement From the 1830s until 1870, the abolitionist movement attempted to achieve immediate emancipation of all slaves and the ending of racial segregation and discrimination. Their idea of these goals distinguished abolitionists from the broad-based political opposition to slavery’s westward expansion that started in the North after 1840 and raised issues leading to the Civil War. 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